When you separate, there are so many things to consider. Obviously if children are involved the primary focus is making sure that they feel loved by both parents. Initially, your immediate considerations revolve around their living arrangements. Will they live with mum, dad or a combination of both? Will they continue to live in the house that they know, or will circumstances necessitate a move … [Read more...]
All I Got For Xmas Was A Divorce: Where To Next?
It is a sad fact that, with the Christmas season over, many couples move into the New Year with a plan to go their separate ways. Certainly, once the children head back to school it is not unusual for lawyers to be inundated with queries from people who need legal support during this time. Admittedly, supporting families through this experience is one of the saddest and confronting … [Read more...]
Getting Separated? Who Needs to Know?
The decision to go your separate ways can be a heart wrenching one, not least of all for any children involved in the split. In the midst of moving and legal dramas it is important for separating couples to consider carefully the process, the impact of this on your shared children and to develop a strategy to protect their wellbeing during what is inevitably a vulnerable time. When speaking of … [Read more...]
Changing My Child’s Surname: What You Must Know
I went to school with a girl who changed her surname at least twice during the course of her time at primary school. What started out as a single name, Smith*, became Smith-Jones* when her mother remarried. Later, as I vaguely recall, the Smith bit disappeared and she added her mother’s maiden name Christianson*. Many years later as an adult I bumped into her at a bar and learned that she was … [Read more...]
Waging the Constant Bureaucratic Battle: Fee Reprieve for Family Law Clients
As is always the case, come 1 July of each year, solicitors are provided with notice of changes to fees in all jurisdictions including the family law jurisdiction. As solicitors we brace ourselves for this news. Too frequently there is concern, that the filing fees will become so excessive that our clients will not be able to afford them. Yes, having a concession card helps, yet even then some … [Read more...]