Family Law – Childrens Matters
It’s What Really Matters Most
The Family Court of Australia (and latterly the Federal Circuit Court of Australia) have jurisdiction in all Australian States to make orders concerning the child or children of a marriage or de facto relationship.
The Family Law Act 1975 states that in most circumstances the paramount consideration is that it is in the child’s best interests that any future arrangements provide for the child’s right to spend time with both their parents.
The Family Law Act makes clear that:
• both parents are responsible for the care and welfare of their children until the age of 18 (parental responsibility), and
• that there is a presumption that the parents equally share parental responsibility of their children; that is both parents discuss what significant long term issues affecting their children, such as health and medical decisions, education and any other matters which affect their children’s long term welfare and development.
So how do parents decide what to do?