Assets & Superannuation:
What you own and how you own them is critical in professional estate planning.
Do you own your property as joint tenants?
Did you know that an asset owned in joint tenancy does not pass to your estate upon death?
Are there assets in a Family Trust?
Did you know that assets held in trust cannot be gifted in your Will upon death?
Binding and Non-Binding Death Benefit Nominations in your Superannuation Fund need to be explored and discussed to achieve sound estate planning outcomes.
If you have separated from your spouse they may still be entitled to claim from your Super Fund unless it is dealt with effectively.
Appointing your young children as beneficiaries may not result in the desired outcome should you die.
You cannot forget about your debts!
What is the tactic for payment on your death? Will you leave debts behind for loved ones to pay?
How will your family survive without your income after your death?
A clear and precise strategy should be engaged.
Contact us for more information
Relationships & Family:
Moral Obligation
Guardians of infant or young children. Who should you appoint? Should they receive financial consideration?
What are the varying needs of individual family members?
Domestic Partnership definitions. Getting married in the near future? Just divorced?
The threat of an Inheritance Claim is always present!
Contact us for more information
Tax Issues:
Negatively geared assets
Tax consequences on superannuation payments to dependants and non-dependants
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) considerations
Your Wishes & Why:
Yes, we do listen to you, and it does count!
Contact us for more information