Spouse or domestic partner.
A domestic partner is someone who, at the date of death of the deceased, was living with the deceased in a close personal relationship and had done so for 3 continuous years or have a child together.
A person who has been divorced from the deceased.
A divorced person may need to show how they have been left without adequate provision but they are not excluded from the application of the Act.
A child or grandchild of the deceased.
This definition does not include step-children of the deceased, the step-relationship with the deceased ends on their death and no claim may be made.
A child of a spouse or domestic partner of the deceased being a child who was maintained wholly or partly by the deceased immediately prior to their death.
This definition may include step-children in some circumstances but would usually only apply if those children where very young and had substantial need.
A parent or sibling of the deceased.
In order to succeed a parent or sibling of the deceased must show that they cared for or contributed to the maintenance of the deceased during their lifetime.